Sowing Seeds

General Information, Plant Care, Uncategorized

Abstract: Abstract,   In this article I will discuss and share information on how we sow seeds and prepare plants for each season’s plantation. My aim is to answer as many questions of our clients as possible in this article. Additionally, the article is split into sections to help navigate for all levels of grower […]

Tobacco Primings And Classification

General Information, Tobacco

Tobacco primings and their classification by location:   Abstract: In this article I will share with you information on how the tobacco leaf is classified depending on its growth location on the plant. This article is mostly relevant to smoking tobaccos, regardless if they are intended for cigars, cigarettes, pipes or shisha.   Classification by […]

Anatomy Of A Cigar

Cigar Knowledge, General Information, Tobacco

Anatomy of a cigar and basic information on cigar blends:   Abstract: A great number of our customers have asked us to prepare some information about the anatomy of a cigar and blends. I hope that this covers the appetite of our readers.   The anatomy of a cigar – the choice of leaf: Cigars […]